Today our world faces energy supply and demand problems. Concerns with environmental issues have created greater demand for "energy creation", "energy saving" and "energy storage".
The goal of our products are to enable a safe and healthy life even during disasters, while contributing to overall health of our environment.
"Energy Creation" to generate electicity from natural energy or fuel cells. "Energy Saving" to reduce the power consumption of household appliances and devices. "Energy Storage" to store the generated electricity in secondary batteries and use as needed.
Hybrid inverter, compatible with electricity storage systems, is the key device at the core of these energy management systems.
"EneTelus" is a power electronics business brand that offers solutions for the potential use of energy, from residential to mega-solar power generation, with a focus on PV inverters and electricity storage hybrid inverters.
Working toward the infinite future of electronics, we will contribute to the development of various industries through our environmentally compliant products. Our products integrate cutting-edge technologies with power electronics that will lead the environmental era as an energy-advanced company.
Natural disasters, such as typhoons and earthquakes will sometimes cause power interruptions or even blackouts.
We developed a residential solar generator-battery hybrid system "EIBS7" which may fully backup appliances in a house with its high-capacity battery (7.04kWh): the industry's first system capable of using both 100/200V appliances simultaneously.
The maximum output in stand-alone mode is 5.5kVA, about twice the industry standard.
In the event of a power outage, the system ensures home stability by automatically supplying power to all appliances, lighting and outlets.
To "AFTER-FIT* users" whose 10-year Feed-In-Tarrif period is expiring, we propose the economic efficiency by reducing electricity costs through effective use of electricity generated by EIBS7 for private consumption.
We will contribute to solving energy storage problems while reducing environmental concerns with our residential energy storage hybrid system "EIBS7". EIBS7 allows private users to reduce their electricity dependence by storing clean energy for use in "peak hours" and in the event of a power outage.
* AFTER-FIT: FIT (Feed-in Tariff) system, introduced in 2012 to promote renewable energy usage in Japan, shifted to FIP (Feed-in Premium) system from April 1, 2022.
For detail: (News release by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan)
"Resilience House" opened in April 2012 as a joint research facility in collaboration with Ichijo Co., Ltd. (Ichijo Komuten Group).
We are evaluating the effectiveness of the Hybrid-Battery-System at this facility.